Procedures at the Immigration Bureau


Re-entry permit

Foreign nationals residing in Japan who intend to leave the country temporarily and re-enter Japan can do so without having to obtain a visa again by obtaining a re-entry permit prior to departure. The period of validity of a re-entry permit is limited to the holder’s current period of stay up to a period of five years. You must submit the necessary documents at the Immigration Bureau’s service desk.

Necessary document

Application for Re-entry Permit / Passport / Residence card / Application fee (single entry: 3,000 yen/multiple entry: 6,000 yen)

Application for Re-entry Permission

“Special Re-entry Permit System”
As a general rule, foreign nationals who possess a valid passport and residence card may leave Japan and return within one year to resFume their activities without the need to obtain a re-entry permit. This system is called the “Special Re-entry Permit System,” and no reentry fee is required at the time of re-entry. If you intend to use this system, you will need to check the relevant column in the Embarkation and Disembarkation Card for Re-entrants (ED card), and present the ED card together with your passport and residence card to the immigration officer in the departure inspection area at the airport. Although the valid period for the Special Re-entry System is one year from the date of departure, if the period of stay expires less than one year after departure, the valid period will be limited to the period of stay. A person who leaves Japan under this system cannot extend the period of validity overseas. Please be aware that you will lose your status of residence unless you reenter Japan within the valid period.

Embarkation and Disembarkation Cards (ED cards) for foreign nationals and Re-entrants

Extension of period of stay

Foreign nationals who intend to extend their period of stay under the same status of residence beyond the original period of residence must follow necessary procedures. If you file an application with the Immigration Services Agency of Japan, a notice will be sent by post in about 2 weeks. Bring the notice, your passport, residence card, and the fee of 4,000 yen to the Immigration Services Agency Applications and the new period of stay will be written in your residence card. Applications for extending a period of stay are accepted three months prior to the date of expiry of the period of stay. Please be aware that staying beyond the period of stay illegally is a punishable violation.

Application for Extension of Period of Stay

■ Necessary documents for “Professor” status of residence

  1. Application for Extension of Period of Stay❐ *On-Campus use
    ※Request the issuance of the “For organization” form from the person in charge of administration in your affiliated department.
  2. Passport
  3. Residence card
  4. Photograph (4cm height x 3cm width)
  5. Renewal fee : 4,000 yen (revenue stamp)

(In the case of part-time work)

  1. In addition to the above,
    Tax declaration (or tax exemption) certificate and tax payment certificate

* For those who intend to change their status to “Highly-Skilled Professional”, please click here.

■ Necessary documents for “Cultural Activities” status of residence

  1. Application for Extension of Period of Stay❐ *On-Campus use
    ※Request the issuance of the “For organization” form from the person in charge of administration in your affiliated department.
  2. Passport
  3. Residence card
  4. Photo (4cm height x 3cm width)
  5. Documents clarifying details of activities in Japan and their duration prepared either by the applicant or the host organization (copy of the letter of acceptance of the international contract researcher letter of acceptance, etc.)
  6. Documents certifying applicant’s ability to pay all expenses during his/her stay in Japan (certificate of receipt of scholarship benefit, deposit balance certificate, etc.)
  7. Renewal fee : 4,000 yen (revenue stamp)

■ Necessary documents for “Dependent” status of residence

  1. Application for Extension of Period of Stay❐ *On-Campus use
  2. Passport
  3. Residence card
  4. Photo (4cm height x 3cm width)
  5. Documents certifying the relationship between applicant and dependents
    Spouse: copy of marriage certificate, certificate of acceptance of marriage, etc.
    Child: copy of birth certificate
  6. Passport and residence card of dependent
  7. Documents certifying dependent’s occupation and income (certificate of employment, tax declaration certificate/ tax exemption certificate for resident tax and tax payment certificate, deposit balance certificate, etc.)
  8. Renewal fee: 4,000 yen (revenue stamp)

Change in status of residence

International researchers who wish to change details of their activities in Japan must apply for a change in status of residence. Nevertheless, a change in status of residence may not be automatically granted simply by lodging an application. After applying and receiving the result via postal mail, you will again have to follow necessary procedures at the Immigration Bureau. As the necessary documents differ according to an applicant’s status of residence, please be sure to check the documents you will need.

Application for Change of Status of Residence, Application for Acquisition of Status of Residence

■ Necessary documents for “Professor” status of residence

(If engaged in employment as a full-time member of staff at a university, etc.)

  1. Application for Change of Status of Residence ❐ *On-Campus use
  2. Passport
  3. Residence card
  4. Photograph (4cm height x 3cm width)
  5. Renewal fee: 4,000 yen (revenue stamp)
  6. Certificate of intended employment, etc *Prepared by the University

■ Necessary documents for “Highly-Skilled Professional (i)(a)”

  1. Application for Change of Status of Residence❐ *On-Campus use
  2. Documents certifying details and duration of activities, position and remuneration (Proof of employment, certificate of employment, etc.)
  3. Point calculation table(Advanced academic research activity)
    * A minimum of 70 points is required to change to HSP.
    * Those who are employed by UT and those who have graduated at UT are eligible for “special addition”. For details, please contact to Global Commons.
  4. Documents to certify you earn 70 points or more
    * Copy of your diploma, past record of research papers, Certificate of JLPT N1, etc.
  5. Passport
  6. Residence card
  7. Photograph (4cm height x 3cm width)
  8. Renewal fee: 4,000 yen (revenue stamp)

About the HSP Point System

■ Necessary documents for “Cultural Activities” status of residence

  1. Application for Change of Status of Residence❐ *On-Campus use
  2. Passport
  3. Residence card
  4. Photograph (4cm height x 3cm width)
  5. Documents clarifying specific activities and their duration
  6. Information providing a clear outline of the institution where the applicant is to conduct activities (university pamphlet, etc.) as appropriate
  7. Information clearly stating academic and artistic achievements (list of past papers, works) as appropriate
  8. Documents certifying applicant’s ability to pay all expenses during his/her stay in Japan (certificate of receipt of scholarship benefit, deposit balance certificate, etc.)
  9. Renewal fee: 4,000 yen (revenue stamp)

Permission to engage in an activity other than that permitted by the status of residence previously granted

Foreign nationals staying in Japan with “Cultural Activities” or “Dependent” status of residence are not permitted to earn income by working. However, if it is necessary for you to work part-time to supplement living expenses, you may work if you can obtain permission to engage in activity other than the activity permitted under the status of residence previously granted, at the Immigration Bureau in advance. Nevertheless, permission to engage in an activity other than that activity permitted under the status of residence is granted only when it is deemed that such activity will not interfere with the activity covered by the status of residence. Working without obtaining permission, or exceeding the permitted number of hours is subject to punishment.

* A person with “Cultural Activities” status of residence must decide on the place of activity other than that permitted by the status of residence previously granted. Please apply once your place of employment has been decided.
* For a person with the status of residence of “Dependent” blanket permission will be granted and, therefore, that person will be permitted to work up to 28 hours a week regardless of the place of employment.

Permission to Engage in Activity other than that Permitted under the Status of Residence Previously Granted

Necessary document

  1. Application for Permission to Engage in Activity other than that Permitted under the Status of Residence Previously Granted
  2. Documents certifying details of activities
  3. Passport
  4. Residence card

Inviting family

Inviting family for a stay up to 90 days (for visiting relatives and friends and acquaintances)】
Foreign nationals of a country without visa exemption arrangements with Japan must obtain a short-term stay visa for “visiting relatives, etc.” In this case, a family member intending to visit Japan must apply directly to the Japanese Embassy or Consulate in his/her home country. The inviting person must prepare necessary documents as the “Guarantor and Invitee,” and forward the documents to the family (applicant).

Documents to forward from Japan to family (applicant)

  1. Statement of reason for invitation (if visiting acquaintances, submit photographs, letter, email, etc. to prove the relationship)
  2. Itinerary in Japan
  3. Letter of guarantee
  4. Certificate of residence (all members of household)
  5. Certificate of employment, certificate of receipt of scholarship benefit
  6. Copy of residence card
  7. Other documents requested by the Japanese Embassy or Consulate overseas

* The necessary documents may differ depending on the applicant’s nationality, or there may be changes or additions to documents required. Please be sure to check the latest information.

Visa/residing in Japan/short-term stay

Inviting family for a stay of over 90 days (spouse and children only)

If you intend to invite your family (spouse and children only) to Japan for a stay of over 90 days, you must obtain a Certificate of Eligibility for Resident Status for “Dependent.” If you are an international researcher already resident residing in Japan, you can collect the necessary documents yourself and apply to the Immigration Bureau. Please forward the Certificate of Eligibility to your family and apply to the Japanese embassy or consulate general in your country.

Necessary documents

  1. Application for Certificate of Eligibility for Resident Status
  2. Certificate of family register, marriage certificate, or birth certificate, etc. stating the relationship with the researcher
    * If this document is in a foreign language, a translation in English or Japanese must be attached
    * Documents you submit will not be returned
  3. Copy of researcher’s residence card or passport
  4. Certificate of employment of the researcher
  5. Documents to demonstrate the researcher’s ability to support the dependent(s) (tax declaration certificate (or tax exemption certificate for income) and tax payment certificate)
  6. 1 photo of the applicant (4cm height × 3cm width)
    * Must be a photo taken within 3 months of the date of application
  7. Self-addressed return envelope (with stamps to the value of 404 yen affixed after stating the address in the standard envelope)

* The Ministry of Justice may make changes or additions to the necessary documents. Please be sure to check the latest information.


* A dependent staying in Japan for over 90 days must register as a resident and enroll in the national pension and national health insurance. Please complete necessary procedures within 14 days after arrival in Japan.

Other notifications and applications for changes

A person who has already been issued a residence card must notify or file an application with the Immigration Bureau when any of the following applies to that person. In any of the following cases, notice must be given/an application must be filed within 14 days from the date of the occurrence.

If there is a transfer such as change in employer or inviting organization, change of address, change of name, termination of contract, or conclusion of a new contract, etc.

・Notification of affiliated (activity) organization *Professor, etc

・Notification of a change in an item on the residence card (other than the address)

* If you have changed your address, please notify your local city hall.

A person who already resides in Japan with status of residence of “Dependent” as a spouse, and divorces his/her spouse, or the spouse has died

Notification of relationship with spouse

If you lost your residence card

Application for reissuance of a residence card due to loss

Online residence procedures

If you have an Individual Number Card, foreign national can apply for residence procedures online.


Foreign Residents Support Center (FRESC)
Yotsuya Tower 13F, 1-6-1 Yotsuya, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo 160-0004
Navi-Dial: 0570-011000
(For some IP phones and calls from overseas TEL: 03-5363-3013)

Mito Branch Office, Tokyo Regional Immigration Services Bureau
Mito Legal Affairs Joint Government Bldg.1F 1-1 Kitamicho, Mito-shi, Ibaraki 310-0061
TEL: 029-300-3601
Operation Hours: 9:00 to12:00, 13:00 to16:00 (closed on Saturdays, Sundays, and national holidays)