From July 12 to July 14, “Study in Japan Fair” was held at the 25th Japan Festival in Sao Paulo, Brazil. The Fair was part of this year’s activities of the Global Network Project to Promote Study in Japan (South America Regional Office), a project that University of Tsukuba is entrusted from MEXT (Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology of Japan). At the fair, a total of 18 Japanese educational institutions exhibited or distributed materials introducing their programs and courses. Among them, three institutions dispatched representatives from Japan to Sao Paulo to provide detailed explanations to visitors.
The Japan Festival in Sao Paulo is one of the largest Japanese festivals in the world that offers various cultural and food events every year. Kenjinkai, association of different Japanese prefectures, also have their booths. This year, the festival attracted approximately 184,000 people over the three days. Mizuho FUKUSHIGE, Deputy Director of South America Office, Tsukuba University was invited to participate in the opening ceremony of the festival.
Since 2016, Study in Japan Fair in Sao Paulo has assisted the participation of Japanese educational institutions to reach out to prospective Brazilian students at the Sao Paulo Japan Festival. This year, about 1,000 people visited “Study in Japan” booth including those came from the states of Minas Gerais and Parana. In the presentation area, the Study in Japan team provided a total of four information-sharing sessions, and about 80 people participated in total.
↑【”Study in Japan” booth at the 25th Sao Paulo Japan Festival】
5月20日、ブラジル・サンパウロ州高等教育機関維持団体組合(SEMESP)のRodrigo Capelato事務局長、ESPM大学(Escola Superior de Propaganda e Marketing)のAlexandre Uehara教授をはじめとしたブラジルの高等教育機関の教職員など約40名が国際局を訪問しました。
今回の訪問では、将来の学生交流に向けてブラジル・FGV(Brazilian School of Public and Business Administration (FGV EBAPE)・The School of Public Policy and Government (FGV EPPG))と本学人文社会系の協定を結ぶ意向についても協議されました。
また、本留学フェア開催に加え、11月9日にペルーリマ市内にあるラウニオン学校とサンマルコス大学を訪問し、ミニ留学フェアを開催しました。ラウニオン学校では、高校生約150人、サンマルコス大学では大学生約100人の来場がありました。11日には、AELU(Asociación Estadio La Unión, ラ・ウニオン運動場協会)が主催するAELU日本祭り2023にて留学相談ブースを出展しました。ブースには約300人近くの祭り参加者があり、日本留学や大学や分野等について質問が多く寄せられました。
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