On November 9th, 2021, Prof. NINOMIYA Takashi of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University and coordinator of the University of Tsukuba Almaty Office Coordinator gave a presentation during the lecture on “Introduction to Career Design” at the the University of Tsukuba. He explained to about 70 undergraduate students the activities of the Almaty office and the effects of the Covid-19 infection on society and universities in Kazakhstan. Moreover, as part of Prof. NINOMIYA’s presentation, students from Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, including Aisautova Aibany and Zhalmykhambet Sholpan (both 4th year undergraduate students) and Kanapiya Aitolkyn (2nd year master’s student) talked about their future plans for studying the the Japanese language. Students from the University of Tsukuba asked questions such as “What similarities do Japan and Kazakhstan have?”, “What are your challenges in learning the Japanese language?” and “What kind of social problems does Kazakhstan facehave?”
(Contributors: Takashi Ninomiya, Kadikova Samal)