Joint Session with RUB in TGSW 2024


2024年10月3日(木)に本学にて行われたTsukuba Global Science Week 2024において、ボーフム大学の教員を招いたセッションを実施しました。

「法をめぐるヨーロッパとの学際的対話:創成法学セッション」と題して行われた本セッションでは、セッションオーガナイザーを務めた本学人文社会系の秋山肇助教、ボーフム大学法学部のPeter Windel教授、本学人文社会系のZia Madani助教が講演を行なったのち、登壇した3名によるパネルディスカッションや参加者とのQ&Aを通して、グローバルに社会課題が複雑化する今日において求められている、学際的・国際的かつ社会との連携を基盤とした新たな法学の構築について議論が深められました。



Prof. Hoch, Rector of the University of Bonn Visits President Nagata


2024年10月2日(水)、ボン大学のMichael Hoch学長が永田学長を表敬訪問しました。




Visit University of Bonn


Prof. Yasuteru Shigeta, Vice President and Executive Director for Research, and Prof. Akira Uedono, Director of the Bochum Office, visited the University of Bonn, one of our university-level partners.

This visit was made possible by the adoption of a collaborative program between the University of Tsukuba and several European partner universities, including the University of Bonn, in the “Inter-University Exchange Project -Promoting Inter-University Exchanges with European Universities-” implemented by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology of Japan. After an explanation of the international exchange situation at the University of Bonn by Prof. Birgit Ulrike Münch, Vice Rector for International Affairs, and an explanation of the Matter and Light for Quantum Computing (ML4Q)* initiative by Professor Simon Stellmer, we toured several laboratories and deepened their discussions on the possibility of exchanges between the two universities.

The University of Bonn is one of 11 universities selected as an “Excellence University” in the Excellence Strategy implemented by the German federal and state governments, and ML4Q has been recognized as an “Excellence Cluster,” an outstanding research cluster, within that strategy.

Through further discussions, we aim to promote research and student exchange by making maximum use of the frameworks of support projects provided by the governments of two countries.

* A research cluster in the field of quantum computing consisting of researchers from the University of Bonn, the University of Cologne, RWTH Aachen University, and the Forschungszentrum Jülich.


Cutting Edge Research For Smart Societies: UT-RUB Joint Symposium


A joint symposium, “Cutting Edge Research for Smart Societies,” was held at the Ruhr University Bochum.

This symposium, which was held to commemorate the opening of the Bochum Office located on the Ruhr University Bochum in November last year, aimed to promote research exchange between the two universities through research presentations focusing on contributions to the “Smart Society” that both Tsukuba City and Bochum City aim to realize. From our university, six faculty members including Prof. Yasuteru Shigeta, Vice President and Executive Director for Research and staff stationed at the Bochum Office participated in person, with several faculty and staff members participating online. The symposium began with an opening remark by Prof. Martin Paul, Rector of the Ruhr University Bochum, and video messages from Prof. Kyosuke Nagata, President of the University of Tsukuba,  and Mr. Thomas Eiskirch, Mayor of Bochum City.

The event began with keynote speeches by Prof. Uta Hohn of the Ruhr University Bochum, who was awarded the Order of the Rising Sun, Gold Rays with Neck Ribbon by the Japanese government for her long-term contributions to German-Japanese exchange in the field of urban planning research, and Prof. Kenji Suzuki of Institute of System and Information Engineering, University of Tsukuba, who leads the Super Science City initiative as an Advisor / Super City Architect for Tsukuba City. Presentations by researchers from both universities demonstrated the relevance of cutting-edge research in various fields to the smart society. In addition, research support staff from both universities and the JSPS Bonn Office explained the grant system that can be used to promote research exchange between the two universities, attracting the attention of researchers from both universities who are highly interested in international collaborative research.

With the Ruhr University Bochum, one of the Campus-in-Campus partner universities, we aim to expand exchanges in all fields, not just the theme of smart society. And it is also listed as one of the partner universities aiming to foster global human resources in the program of the “Inter-University Exchange Project -Promoting Inter-University Exchanges with European Universities-” implemented by in the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology of Japan in which our university was adopted. It is expected that the ties formed at this event will lead to further research exchanges and the establishment of educational programs.





Award Ceremony for Professor Uta Hohn


Professors and a staff of the University of Tsukuba participated in the award ceremony for Prof. Uta Hohn of the Ruhr University Bochum, which was held at the residence of the Consulate-General of Japan in Düsseldorf.

This ceremony was held to commemorate the awarding of the Order of the Rising Sun, Gold Rays with Neck Ribbon by the Japanese government to Prof. Hohn in recognition of her contributions to promoting academic exchange and mutual understanding between Japan and Germany as a professor in the field of urban planning at the Ruhr University Bochum. Seven members of our university attended the ceremony to offer their congratulations to Prof. Hohn: Prof. Yasuteru Shigeta, Vice President and Executive Director for Research, Prof. Akira Uedono, Director of the Bochum Office, Prof. Toshiyuki Amagasa, Prof. Yutaka Shikano, Associate Professor Sayaka Fujii, Assistant Professor Shinichiro Akiyama, and a representative officer of the Bochum Office.

In her congratulatory speech, Associate Professor Fujii, who has been conducting joint research and student exchanges with Prof. Hohn for many years, expressed her respect and gratitude for Prof. Hohn’s important role in the exchange between the two universities and in the inter-city exchange between the Tsukuba City and Bochum City. Prof. Hohn also spoke of her desire to continue to enthusiastically promote exchange between the two universities, and the importance of passing on the baton of exchange to the next generation.

The ceremony was attended by many people who play important roles in Japan-Germany cooperation from the Consulate-General of Japan in Düsseldorf, the Bochum City, the Ruhr University Bochum, and other organizations, and they deepened their mutual exchanges.




【5th September】UT-RUB Joint Symposium “Cutting Edge Research For Smart Societies”


On September 5, 2024, the Symposium “Cutting Edge Research For Smart Societies”, jointly organized by University of Tsukuba and Ruhr University Bochum, will take place. The language of the event will be English.

This event will be held at the Ruhr-Universität Bochum to commemorate the opening of the University of Tsukuba Bochum Office. It can be viewed from Japan ,Germany and other places via live streaming (Zoom meeting style.)

Streaming URL:

Meeting-ID: 618 4130 9304
Code/Password: 185657

Through keynote speeches and presentations by eleven researchers, we will consider how the cutting-edge research at both universities can be utilized to realize the “Smart Societies,” which are, among others, promoted by the twinned cities of Tsukuba and Bochum.

In the last part of the event, there will also be an explanation of the research grant systems that can be used by researchers from both universities to collaborate.

The symposium will be completed by face-to-face meetings of researchers from the two universities at different locations of Ruhr-Universität Bochum.


Time Schedule

German Time Japan Time Program Presenter
9:00 16:00 Opening Remarks Prof. Martin Paul
Rector, Ruhr-Universität Bochum


Greeting (Video Message)

Prof. Kyosuke Nagata
President, University of Tsukuba
Mr. Thomas Eiskirch
Mayor, City of Bochum
9:10 16:10 Event Summary Description Prof. Günther Meschke
Vice Rector for Research and Transfer, Ruhr-Universität Bochum

Prof. Yasuteru Shigeta
Vice President and Executive Director for Research, University of Tsukuba

9:20 16:20 Keynote Speech 1 Smart Cities? Co-Designing Just, Sustainable and Resilient Cities by using the Potentials of Digitisation

Prof. Uta Hohn
Ruhr-Universität Bochum

9:40 16:40 Keynote Speech 2 Tsukuba Super Science City Challenges through University-Local Government Collaboration

Prof. Kenji Suzuki
University of Tsukuba




Cutting Edge Research at UT and RUB―Applicability to Smart Societies

Sustainability behavior and digitalisation in Smart Societies

Prof. Andreas Löschel
Ruhr-Universität Bochum

Creating Livable Places with Communities in the Smart Sustainable Cities

Prof. Sayaka Fujii
University of Tsukuba

Harnessing Cloud, Network and AI to support 6G Services

Prof. Tarik Taleb
Ruhr-Universität Bochum

Human-centred AI and the Research Centre Trustworthy Data Science

Prof. Martina Angela Sasse
Ruhr-Universität Bochum

Trustworthy data platform for smart cities

Prof. Toshiyuki Amagasa
University of Tsukuba

Digital Sovereignty for End-Users: The ongoing fight between the needs of individuals and the design of services

Prof. Karola Marky
Ruhr-Universität Bochum

Seeking Ultimate Randomness in the Nature

Prof. Yutaka Shikano
University of Tsukuba

Quantum Computing: Entangling Future Societies

Prof. Michael Walter
Ruhr-Universität Bochum

Tensor networks connecting quantum and classical computations

Prof. Shinichiro Akiyama
University of Tsukuba

11:30 18:30 Short Break  
11:45 18:45 Inter-University Exchange Project Brief introduction of our proposal for “Inter-University Exchange Project” by MEXT

Prof. Shinji Kuroda
University of Tsukuba

12:05 19:05 Funding Information Session Dr. Stefan Riedel
Ruhr-Universität Bochum
Dr. Kazuaki Ota
Dr. Chen Chen
University of Tsukuba
Prof. Günther Meschke
Vice Rector for Research and Transfer, Ruhr-Universität Bochum
Academic Advisory Group Member, Worldwide Universities Network
JSPS and its International Programs

Mr. Jun Yano
International Program Associate, JSPS Bonn Office



On June 13, 2024, the Online Student Symposium “SUSTAINABILITY HORIZONS”, jointly organized by University of Tsukuba and Ruhr University Bochum, took place.

This event was held as the first step to establish an exchange between the two universities in the field of sustainability. In the beginning, Prof. Suzuki Iwane, Deputy Director of the Organization for DESIGN THE FUTURE, University of Tsukuba, and Prof. Andreas Löschel, Chief Sustainability Officer of the Ruhr University Bochum, explained the sustainability initiatives of both universities. Then a member of “Echo UT”, a student group working on sustainability activities on and off campus, from the University of Tsukuba, and a student working at the “Green Office” of the Ruhr University Bochum, which is promoting campus sustainability actions, introduced their respective student-led activities.

At the end of the event, participants shared their views that they were greatly inspired by each other’s activities, that it was a wonderful opportunity for global communication, and that the event reaffirmed the importance of continuing the dialogue on the topic of sustainability.